Journey of a Serial Entrepreneur


How to get from where you are to where you want to be

How do you think I am doing?

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”

Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson – Co-authors The One Minute Manager

We have begun our journey and have equipped ourselves with the fundamental building blocks that will increase our probability of success by many folds. Now is the time in an entrepreneurs life when it is entirely up to him/her to decide how long it takes to reach their goals. During my first couple of entrepreneurial experiences I remember working a ton of hours to figure out why we were not hitting projected targets. When we were together with the core team everyone would just be talking about how we are missing projections and most likely the service we are offering doesn’t have what it takes to succeed.

Around 3 years later I discovered a catalyst to speed up just about any process in the world. It was “Feedback”. Given there are two types of feedback a positive and a negative one, we respond to each in a very different manner. We naturally want to hear all our positive feedback and when someone gives us a slightly harsh critique there is usually a couple of ways we respond:

– We hold our head in our hands and quit whatever we were wanting to achieve

– We unleash hell on the person who gave us feedback either in an expressive or non expressive manner

– Or we simply just ignore it and move keep moving most likely in the wrong direction

Now we have to simply change the way we digest feedback. I personally think feedback is one of the primary reasons why I have  achieved a level of success in such a short period of time. If you meet any team I ever work with they will let you know that my favorite line is:

So what do you think about ……?”

We have to shed our fears of asking people advice, critique or suggestions. We have to use the feedback in a constructive manner. If you keep getting feedback that “You never can make it to meetings on time” maybe you should get some help in the area of time management. “You always get angry when a mistake is made” you need to re-evaluate how YOU give feedback. An employee, partner or customer doesn’t want to hear it in a tone where the entire message is completely lost. So if you want to increase the quality of your life, business or relationship exponentially start asking today:

“How do you think I am doing at….?”

p.s please leave a comment if your reading this to let me know how I can improve this blog or any other suggestions to make this blog a better site for you. Thank you

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2 Responses

  1. Shama says:

    Feedback & the positive & mature response to it is a defining aspect of success… is truly , as you quote …The breakfast of champions !

  2. […] 5. Asking for Feedback and Using it Constructively: When we start any new project, business, relationship or job we usually make ourselves believe that we are doing the best we can be. This attitude sadly limits the rate at which we grow. An exponential catalyst to help us the learn and grow much faster is to ask for Feedback. You have to start asking your business partners, team mates, clients, friends and family as to how you are doing. You need to then constructively use this feedback to make life better for those around you and most importantly yourself. This will unlock your true potential and give you a whole new perspective on life. If you want to read more please click here. […]

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