Journey of a Serial Entrepreneur


How to get from where you are to where you want to be

5 Basic Fundamentals of Success

“A journey of a 1000 miles must begin with one step.” Ancient Chinese Proverb

1. Take 100% responsibility for your life: You are responsible for how you want your life to be. If you are constantly blaming external factors from limiting you to achieve what you want then you have to change. You have to examine how you are reacting to key events in your life. Are you ignoring feedback?, Blaming others for your mistakes?. You have to break away from these negative patterns and correct the way you respond to ensure you get the results you want. If you want to read more please click here.

2. Believing: Do you believe you can achieve all the goals you set for yourself? Do you believe that you have what it takes to make your business or relationship succeed? If you don’t then either you are not doing what you ought to be or you are not taking responsibility for your own life. All of us need something to believe in. This becomes your guiding light to take you to places where you never thought you could. I personally believe that I have all the key qualities for being an entrepreneur which are “Passion” & “Ambition”. Every project I undertake I ensure that these core values are infused into the team and that we all believe that we have what it takes to succeed. If you want to read more please click here.

3. Taking Action: Do you plan endlessly about the business you want to start? Waiting for the right time? Unfortunately there is no such thing as the right time. Successful people are highly action oriented. Talking about plans and idea’s is very easy but committing yourself to doing it is another ball game altogether. You have to step out of your comfort zone, learn how to rely on your “gut” and once you have decided on a path take that first step. Believe me thats the hardest one, after that it becomes much easier with all the feedback, suggestions and help you get along the way. If you want to read more please click here.

4. Confronting your fears: Is the fear of failure holding you back? This is a completely natural emotion that each and everyone experiences in our life. The key here is how we choose to respond to it. We can always go back into our shell and say its too difficult or that the time is not right. However if you want to achieve something out of the ordinary in life you have to confront the fears which are holding you back. Personally one of the fears I have always had is that of public speaking. Over the years however I have confronted it by taking classes and practicing in front of smaller audiences. I still have a long way to go but you have to begin somewhere. So confront the fears which are holding you back today and start to live the life you want. If you want to read more please click here.

5. Asking for Feedback and Using it Constructively: When we start any new project, business, relationship or job we usually make ourselves believe that we are doing the best we can be. This attitude sadly limits the rate at which we grow. An exponential catalyst to help us to learn and grow much faster is to ask for Feedback. You have to start asking your business partners, team mates, clients, friends and family as to how you are doing. You need to then constructively use this feedback to make life better for those around you and most importantly yourself. This will unlock your true potential and give you a whole new perspective on life. If you want to read more please click here.

Once you have mastered these basic fundamentals you are on your way to achieving anything you want in life.

p.s To all my loyal readers: The last day of every week will be a recap. This will help in reinforcing the concepts as well as being a review page for those who want a quick review. I want to thank each and everyone of you who read everyday and for all the emails and comments you sent. It was greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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